主题 : 10月17日 英超第9轮 曼联VS博尔顿 英语 WMV MB【HTTP下载】
级别: 版块版主
0  发表于: 2009-10-18 00:37

10月17日 英超第9轮 曼联VS博尔顿 英语 WMV MB【HTTP下载】

EPL: Manchester United vs. Bolton [600 kbps], 10-17-2009, courtesy of Setanta Sports US. ****SPOILER ALERT**** This is a Setanta Sports US In-House Production, meaning their In-Studio Hosts & Commentators. During the broadcast, Setanta Sports has something they call "Goal Alerts", in which they show the scores of other 10AM EDT my time matches going on at the same time on the scoreboard in the upper-left hand corner of the screen . If you don't want to know the scores of the other matches, avoid looking at the scoreboard. If you own Post-It notes, stick one over the scoreboard. Links below:

1st Half:


2nd Half:

级别: 替补球员
1  发表于: 2009-10-18 08:40

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