主题 : 英超07-08赛季总结How.The.Premier.League.Was.Won.2008.WS.PDTV.XviD【BT视频下载】
级别: 小小球童
0  发表于: 2008-05-14 11:04


管理提醒: 本帖被 付四 执行取消加亮操作(2008-10-13)

Release.Date...: 2008, May 13
Air.Date.......: 2008, May 11
Genre..........: Sport/Football/Soccer
Source.........: WS PDTV
Format........ : PAL (25 fps) (640 x 352)
Type...........: XviD
Audio..........: VBR MP3
Runtime........: 71 mins
Size...........: CD1: 700mb


A comprehensive review of the 2007/2008 English Premier League season, focusing on how the champions won the title in a campaign that featured its usual share of drama and controversy. Manchester United started the season as defending champions and were expected to challenge again, while the likes of Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal took up their usual places as their chief rivals.

Was shown on Sky Sports 1 (UK)

[ 此贴被付四在2008-05-14 22:13重新编辑 ]
足球直播 www.zqzhibo.com
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级别: 替补球员
1  发表于: 2008-10-07 08:11
